Trevor Emdon – Traffic Alchemy – How To Get Free, Targeted Traffic That Will Actually Spend Money and In Any Niche!
“How To Get Free, Targeted Traffic That Will Actually Spend Money …In Any Niche …”
“Without Knowing A Thing About Backlinks, Social Media Or SEO … (Or Even What It Stands For).”
From the desk of Trevor Emdon:
Dear Friend,
If you’ve ever tried to get free traffic before and it hasn’t worked, it’s really not your fault. You’re working with rehashed and now out of date information.
Here’s Some Of The (Unnecessarily Complicated) Advice You’ve Heard Time & Again…
So you spend endless hours of research, finally publish content intended to get you a page 1 ranking for, let’s say, “best buy summer sandals,” only to find everyone’s switched to searching for “cheapest sneakers.” It’s like trying to throw a dart at a bullseye during a blizzard.
But social media platforms are always updating their algorithms and besides, they want your money. So a post that used to reach hundreds, even thousands of eyeballs, is now lucky if you get seen by a couple of dozen.
Another crucial aspect of SEO, but backlinks are time consuming unless you pay, and whichever way you go, the search engines really care about where those backlinks come from, so you’d better know what you’re doing and who you’re buying from.
Oh boy, I hate this one. Not only are new platforms springing up all the time, (and sometimes disappearing), but there are simply not enough hours in the day to post on all of them.
Oh, come on! It’s nigh on impossible to keep on top of every twist and turn. There just aren’t enough hours in the day.
I’m not about to tell you NOT to do those things – but if you want free, targeted traffic – the kind that actually converts to customers who spend real money on your offers – then you should know …
That Advice Is NOT Going To Work Very Well For You Any More!
Frankly, a lot of it is just blindly repeated without anyone actually thinking about whether it works or is the best and fastest way to get free traffic. Often it’s produced, (or I should say, re-produced) by PLR creators who just see that anything to do with traffic will sell.
It’s Time To Rethink Free Traffic From A DIFFERENT Angle …
To begin with, forget SEO.
Whilst ranking on page one of a major search engine of course will always help traffic, it’s no longer the top priority it used to be.
(There. I bet that’s the first time anyone’s told you that! Told you this was a different approach, didn’t I?)
Secondly, forget social media. You can always go there later.
Thirdly, there’s no need to worry about trends … when you touch “nerves” that are evergreen and ever present. Trends tend, by their very nature, to be short-lived, so even if you do get traffic it’s likely to be just a spike and then you’re back to scrambling for scraps again.
What you’re after is a steady and constant flow.
You want targeted traffic only – that is, real people who are actually looking for what you have to offer, not random casual visitors to a social media platform where they’re just going to scroll past your post.
All You Need Is A Tiny Shift In Understanding How To Easily Get Free Traffic, And You’ll See Your List Grow And Sales ROLL IN!
Traffic shouldn’t be hit and miss. Thankfully, the internet is extremely transparent nowadays. You can find out, literally in minutes, where the traffic’s headed and simply siphon some of it off.
Put your content on the right platform … and it’s in the platform’s interest to drive traffic for you!
It’s free, and it’ll just keep on coming.
To be frank, you won’t get a bullseye every time. Sometimes you’ll get what I call “minor hits.” But they’re still hits. You’ll always get traffic.
But Traffic Is Useless Unless They Spend Money!
There’s no such thing as “traffic” of course. It’s really people like you and me who are looking for answers to something.
And this is where I have long-standing bragging rights.
As a trained psychotherapist, I have a better understanding than most about what makes us behave in certain ways.
In other words, what triggers us to buy something as well as what makes us turn and run away from parting with any of our precious pennies.
Which is why I’m including an entire section on converting traffic – that’s sales in plain English – in other words, people willing to whip out their credit cards and spend.
Even if you’re sending the traffic to an affiliate offer and someone else’s sales page, there’s a LOT you can do before they even click to make it more likely than not they’ll follow through and buy.
So What Exactly Do I Have To Do To Get This Traffic, Trevor?
You won’t have to scrabble around wondering what on earth to post about for a start!
And you won’t need to worry about competing with those who rank at the top of the search engines because your traffic won’t depend on ranking.
In fact, those competitors are going to be sending you some of their traffic – whether they like it or not.
What’s more, when they get to wherever you’re sending them, a good percentage of them will buy from you.
Free traffic, cold traffic at that, (that’s people who’ve never heard of you before), will convert into cash you can put in the bank.
Just like the alchemists of old who thought they could turn base metal into gold.
It’s why I’ve called this traffic training, “Traffic Alchemy.” (Only our alchemy works!)
So What Exactly Am I Going To Show You?
In fact, I don’t think there’s a single bit of jargon in the whole program.
You don’t need to know what SEO stands for or even what a backlink is – you won’t be needing those.
Instead, we’re going to hunker down and focus on a few simple steps and a handful of key principles, (that will never change or go out of date), that will have traffic flowing to you and money ka-ching-ing into your account in no time.
These are simple, effective steps that you won’t be expecting but I promise you’ll love the results.
We’re going to be creating a constant, reliable flow of traffic that’s tailor made to both you AND your audience.
You’ll be on a wavelength with them and they with you. You’ll learn how to make a real connection with these people.
That’s what keeps them loyal and ultimately, why they’ll buy.
None of this is fake or manipulative, by the way. You will genuinely get to know and like each other.
Simple and focused – I’ll show you exactly what to do.
I’m going to share with you what I know (from experience) to be the most effective, honest and straightforward way of getting people to do business with you. To want to do business with you.
I’ll share secrets, (and I do think they genuinely ARE secrets) that I’ve learned about conversions, compelling sales messages and a bunch of reasons why people will willingly part with cash that you can pay bills or go on vacation with.
We’ll also delve into how to break free from mindset limitations you probably don’t even know you have, (this is life-changing stuff), that will open you up to earning four or even five figures a month should you so wish.
Once you start the snowball rolling … well, you know what happens to snowballs.
Here’s Just Some Of What You’ll Find Inside “Traffic Alchemy…”
What Exactly Do You Get?
You’ll get clear, no-fluff, non-technical instructions that shares everything I’ve learned about free traffic and conversions in ten plus years as a full time online entrepreneur…
I’m making this 17 module course available to you for a one-off price – NOT a subscription fee as many marketers would and I’m purposely keeping it affordable so the people who need it the most can have access.
You’ll have instant access to all seventeen modules PLUS a couple of bonuses so you can grow your traffic and start earning from your business at your own pace.
Each video is clearly explained in non-technical language so you can implement the steps quickly and start seeing results as soon as a few days from now – depending on how soon you implement the steps of course.
I’m well aware that a lot of people who buy this course will also be working full time, so this has been geared so you can see results as quickly as possible yet gives you the freedom to work at your own speed.