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Michael Senoff – HardtoFindSeminars – The Golden Folder

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Michael Senoff - HardtoFindSeminars - The Golden Folder
Michael Senoff - HardtoFindSeminars - The Golden Folder $1,297.00 Original price was: $1,297.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00.

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Own 9 Years and 128 of My Winning Marketing Promotions Including Email Copy, Sales Letter Templates, Revenue Totals, Statistics, Launch Sequence & Timing For Only $1297

These are the same promotions I’ve used and use today to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars of automatic and on-demand stay at home income.

Don’t miss your chance to own “The Golden Folder.”

It’s the folder located on the C drive of my home computer.

And inside this folder are one hundred and twenty-eight email marketing promotions going back to November 2009.

I’ve been using these promotions to make hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last decade to generate automatic and on demand income.

And today, I am offering you the use rights to my system to do the same for a one time $1297.

Don’t take this offer lightly.

I think if you explore what I have waiting for you in the description below, you will be rewarded handsomely for your time and efforts.

Here’s How It All Started . . .

It’s over a decade ago back in 2009.

I’m a newish father.

And I’m at my neighborhood’s Gershwin Park, pushing my two boys on the swing.

Back then, I owned an old Blackberry Smartphone.

And my phone was blowing up and singing the PayPal song “You’ve Got Money”.

I can remember the flood of $20 PayPal payments coming into my text notification inbox.

And I told the boys, “We have to hurry up and go back inside so Daddy can send emails to all of his buying customers.

I had been selling products for five years previously with limited success, but it was not until 2009 that I cracked the code.

My first substantial online promotion success was amazingly exhilarating.

It’s was also scary, but would set the tone and direction for my online marketing efforts for the next decade.What had I just done?

Is it “too good to be true” to have a promotion work SO SO well?

And fast.

All I did was follow a simple email marketing formula.

And it worked like gangbusters.

I made $6680 over that three-day email promotion.

It was my very first info product SUCCESS!

I had licensed the rights to it from an online marketing colleague.

I added six of my best audio interviews on the subject of joint ventures and called it . . .

The Joint Venture Magic System.

I offered it for a low $20.

If you are a numbers person, here’s how the promo went down.

The promotion began on a Saturday, November 7th, 2009.

It ended two days later, on a Monday, November 9th, 2009.

One email was sent on 11-07 (08:42 am)

One email was sent on 11-08 (07:32 am)Six emails were sent on 11-09 (01:28 pm, 04:58 pm, 07:12 pm, 09:19 pm, 11:33 pm, 11:39 pm)

55 sales were won the first day, 49 sales the second day, and get this, 203 sales! on the last day.

Then, I had 27 additional $20 sales come in after the promotion ended for a total of 334 sales.

The total revenue earned was $6680.

And this was a digital product.

Nothing to pack and nothing to ship.

I owned the rights to the product 100%, so all of the money was mine.

All I had to do was send an email to the PayPal buyers with the link to the download files for the product.

So why am I telling you all of this?

The 2009 Joint Venture product was the promotion that started it all for me.

It’s the one that opened my eyes to the power of a simple email and marketing formula.

It’s the promotional formula I would repeat over 140 more times to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars over a decade with very part-time effort.

I have other businesses that I put my time into, but I must say for the marketing time and effort, the selling of my own informational products has been the most rewarding and profitable.

I have THE system that works.

I’ve got the sales to prove it.

I’m using the system with YOU now, and it’s a decade later.

And today I want to gift it tp you.

I’ve only offered this product to a small section of my subscriber list three time before.

It’s not sold with my HMA Pro Marketing Consulting System.

And it’s not sold or offered by anyone else.

So, your getting a decade of my marketing promotions (128 total) for only one payment of $1297

They are all included in my Golden Folder System offer.



Inside the Golden Folder, you’ll own one hundred and twenty-eight marketing promotions. These are campaigns personally executed to my subscriber list going all the way back to November 9th of 2009. These were information products published and sold by me. Just about all the email copy is organized, edited, and written by me. You are not getting a collection of Clickbank products or affiliate offers that I have compiled to sell you. Below is a screenshot of my Golden Folder just as it sits on my computer’s document library TODAY. It’s the one highlighted in yellow. Go to #2 below.

* Within the compilation are two or three joint venture promotions where my JV partners prepared some of the email copy.

2) Here’s What You’ll See Once You Click on Your Golden Folder.

One click and there they are. I bet if you’ve been following me for some time, you’ll recognize these titles. There is a great chance you own several of my products already. Each campaign is all lined up like little soldiers ready to fire out to an email list anytime I choose. I think you will be amazed to learn just how consistent they pull each time they mail. You’ll have all the numbers in front of you for each promotion to study. You’ll see the timing I use before I send the next promotion. You’ll learn about the up-sell offers I make after a sales promotion. You’ll see how many times I have sold the same product each year and understand that each of these product promotions is like Walt Disney Classics, timeless marketing content ready to be sold to a new generation of marketing and business students. Success leaves clues, and these are the clues I have picked up by testing, refining, and improving with each development. How much could just one of these 128 promotions be worth to you when all you have to do is model what I have done, from the time-send sequence to the countdown on the last day? Go to #3 after you look at all the campaigns you’ll own below in the Golden Folder.

3) What’s Inside Santa’s Box Number One?

Let’s take a closer look at one of the promotions. Do you remember my Santa 18 promotion? I have run this promotion or a variation of it five times. I change it up each time. But here’s the folder for the November 29th, 2016 promotion. Each folder has ALL the emails for the campaign. They are sequentially numbered, so you’ll know what email goes out first and what email broadcasts last and all the emails in between. The order is essential. And it’s just like a recipe if you leave one ingredient out of your beautiful cake when the oven buzzer sounds, you’ll pull out a FLOP. You’ll have the text version of each email that you can copy and paste into your email editor for modifying into your promotion. All the line spacing, formatting, and editing are done for you so you won’t have to. It’s copy, paste, modify, and send. What could be easier? You are getting 15 separate emails in this one promotion alone.

4) Golden Folder Campaign Summary Key

Inside each of your 128 campaigns, you will have a text doc we’ll call the “Campaign Summary.” Access a snapshot view of how each campaign performed. You’ll glance at the start and end date of each promotion and the email campaign inventory of when each email went out. You’ll see the daily sales totals for each day of the campaign and a gross sales total. You’ll enjoy looking at and comparing different promotion results. I think you may just spot some interesting trends that you can use for your marketing. All the details are shown in the image below.

5) 721 Individual Emails From 128 Promotions

Own over 721 hard-selling, money-making, email from 128 promotions. Each email can teach you something about selling. Steal the arrangement, the headline, the first-line openings, the bullet formats, the PS and the call to action. Every one of these emails has made money for me over and over again. The strategy can be used for any marketing campaign, whether it’s a product you control or a client’s product that needs a lift in sales. Each of the emails is formatted for line spacing in a text format, so all you have to do is just copy and paste. And because it’s in the text, there is no formatting and editing of the copy because whatever window you paste the text into should adjust to its settings. This setup will save you time without all the hard and tedious work of formatting.

6) Sales Summary Excel File Key

With your Golden Folder, you’re going to get an Excel file with a listing of all of my promotions.

This file is fantastic to play with and compare different promotions so you can spot trends and clues to see what’s working for me.

You may be able to identify a winning trend that I have overlooked.

Let me tell you; I am NOT the smartest tool in the shed. I am just willing to fail more than you.

All you’ll need is to be able to open up an Excel file, and all the information will be here for you including . . .* Promotion Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
* Product Title
* Gross Revenue
* Number of Emails Sent
* Average $ Per E-mail
* # of Days Promotion
* Total Sales
* Last Day of Promotion Sales
* Last Day % Total

7) A Library of 41 Sales Letters – 35-Point Explanation Of The Template In Audio:

With your Golden Folder order, you’ll own access to 41 of my personal sales letter templates. These are the actual sales letters that live on my website used to sell my products. You’ll notice just about all of the sales letters have a very similar template. This is the template I have used over the last decade to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal sales from my information products. You’re going to own the rights to use, modify, copy and steel these sales letter templates. It’s proven, and it works, and you’ll have an accompanying audio recording in mp3 format and a slide deck in PowerPoint going over and explaining all 35 aspects of the sales letter templates, how to set them up and some of the psychology behind it. You will have access to 41 different product sales letters downloadable audio recording of me explaining the Master Sales Letter Template Formula.

8) 500 Best Interview Questions.

Creating this collection was a massive and expensive undertaking. I owned an enormous library of audio interview transcripts. And with the help of Diane, my assistant, we scoured through each of the top interviews looking for and selecting the most thought-provoking questions I asked during my interviews. Each question was plucked from the transcript and pasted into a master question file. After that, we started going through each question and eliminating all the doubles and weak questions. Then, we reviewed the complete list again and ultimately narrowed the list down to 504 of the essential questions to ask during an interview. These are the exact questions I use and continue to ask my interview guests for my interviews. This one file alone is worth the entire cost of the Golden Folder package. You’ll never have to worry about choking or freezing up in an interview again. Just open this master interview question file on your computer screen. Select 10 to 20 questions suitable for your interview topic and guest. Don’t worry; they’re already typed out for you, ready to go. Just press record on your recording device and get your interview guest on the phone. Then, directly ask him the questions that you have pre-prepared by reading them off the screen one by one. This master list of interview questions are thought provoking and will keep your guests talking. And remember, as he speaks, he is writing your next product, book, email, and sales copy for you. You are capturing his words to use and sell and market for your benefit. This is your marketing secret.

9) 1905 Subject Email Headlines.

As a marketer, online or off, if you’re not using the proper e-mail subject lines to get your emails opened your sales are going to suffer, or they may be nonexistent. For the last decade, I’ve used my list of subscribers as a virtual laboratory for my e-mail marketing methods. And if you’ve been on my list, you’ve seen all kinds of interesting subject lines and offers for product promotions. And as a bonus, you’ll own my excel file with 1905 of my best email subject lines. Having this list in an excel format will give you an unlimited resource for ideas and email subject lines. These subject headlines will help get your email opened and help drive your sales message home. This compilation of email subject lines was organized and compiled from my email marketing from the last decade. They are NOT a compilation of anyone’s existing collection

10) 339 First Line Attention Getters.

You have a great headline, and you get your readers to OPEN your email. Now, you have to keep them reading your sales message. If you can’t get your reader’s attention in the first few words of your email, you’ll lose your potential prospect forever. The most significant mistake I see most email marketers make is that they make the first sentence too long and tedious. I place great importance on the very first few words of my email messages. I have compiled a collection of 339 of my best first-line openings. No more guessing what to say. You’ll have them all here in one file to review, modify, and steal saving you time and effort.

11) 198 Transitional Statements.

The transition in your copy is the missing element for a lot of new sales copywriters. It took me years to figure this part out. And now it comes naturally for me. You must know how to transition from a story to the actual selling of your product or service. It’s like building a bridge. Knowing what building materials to make your bridge out of is the key. You’ll have 198 building blocks with this collection of my best transition examples I use to bring my reader back to buying MY product.

12) 115 Post Scrip Messages.

I try to use a PS in all of my emails. It’s often said many people skip the body copy of a sales message and go directly to the PS at the end of the email to see what the offer is all about. Having a well-crafted and thoughtful postscript in your email is essential. But knowing what to say can be hard. Now, you’ll own 115 versions I use in my email copy. Copy and swipe, and use for your next email promotion.

13) 91 Call To Action Swipe.

People don’t like to be told what to do, but people need to be told what to do. After all, we have all been told what to do by our spouses, bosses, and parents. So it’s easy to assume many of us are used to it. It’s no different in selling with email. You must call your reader to action. What to say? That’s easy. Own my top list of 91 of my best call-to-action commands. Ask the reader to respond. Ask your reader to call, ask your reader to click here, ask your reader to BUY! And in this call to action swipe, you see new ways to ask your reader to take action that are exciting, different and will gain attention. As the adage says, if you don’t ask, you won’t get. Now you won’t have any excuses. You’ll own 91 versions of my top call-to-actions to modify, use, and steal for your own online and off-line marketing.

14) 483 Interview Email Swipe File.

Over the last decade, I have conducted and published hundreds of audio interviews. It was the way I was able to build a list of loyal subscribers. I would use my free interviews as a tool to bond with my listeners. The interview was like the superglue that created the bond. And many times it left my listeners wanting more. I would also categorize and package these interviews to create information products to sell. Own my top interview promotional emails. Not only can you modify the format, but you can also open many of these emails and go directly to the mp3 audio links of the interview I was promoting. These links will take you directly to over one hundred discussion downloads. Also, each of these interviews are written with a bullet format. If you were to count the bullets in all of these emails in this one compilation, you would easily have several thousand bullets to use and modify. And that is a good thing for you.

15) 485 Story Emails Swipe.

If you have been on my list, you know that stories are one of my favorite ways to sell and market my information products. I’ve identified 405 emails from my email collection that are all story-related emails. If you’re stuck for a story, open up this folder and start generating idea after idea after idea. You’re welcome to use and modify my emails for your use.

16) 228 Money Emails.

This is a collection of the emails that represent me selling an opportunity. Sometimes, showing your reader how to make money can be more potent than selling a product that offers no money-making potential. You’ll have a large selection to choose from for your next promotion.

17) 73 Request Emails.

There’s nothing wrong with asking your list for a favor. People like to help other people. Asking for help is a great technique to get attention, to identify good prospects, and to build a bond for future sales. I have scoured my library of emails to identify over 70 request emails. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your best subscribers will jump at the chance and you’ll then know who they are. What you write back after their response is where the relationship building begins. You are in the driver’s seat and what you say counts. Start building by asking.

18) 32 Relationship Glue Swipe Emails.

The fact is, people buy from people they know, like, and trust. If you’re going to be successful, you have to build a relationship on a personal level through the emails you write. Own 32 specific email examples that I’ve used in my promotions to accomplish this. Use these ideas, modify them, and build the bond you’ll need for ongoing sales. It’s easy.

19) 22 Joint Venture Fishing Emails.

Over the years, I’ve sent out emails looking for possible joint venture partners. With the right product and the right partner, you can make a lot of money having someone promote you to their list for a split of the sales. You can control the money and create business relationships you would never have had in the first place. Review these 22 emails and generate potential joint venture partners by using some of my ideas. I’ve done all the hard work for you already.

20) 21 Free Stuff Email Attention Getters.

There’s nothing better to get attention than offering your subscribers some free stuff. It works every time. I’ve gone through all of my emails and included 21 one of my best free-stuff, attention-getting emails. Use these emails to generate free-stuff ideas and offers for your promotions. Who does not like FREE?

21) 11 Announcement Emails.

These are simply emails to use when you want to use to command attention. For example, you can share with your customers that you are announcing the release of a new product. All you have to do is go to this folder and open up the different announcement emails. Then you’ll follow the templates and include your announcement news. Save time and use this collection.

22) 141 Story Idea Generators

My personal stories are great. However, my experiences will only take YOU so far. Your own stories are the stories that are going to bond you the best to the minds and hearts of your readers. The best storytellers look to their memories and life experiences for ways to illustrate their own stories. This is how you lay the bricks to build your house of personality and an authentic writer You don’t want to copy someone else’s personality. The best character and stories are those of your own. And that’s the reason we’ve compiled a listing of over 125 major life events that are guaranteed to get the ideas flowing. Any of these events will trigger entry points to your own stories. Never again will you find yourself staring at a blank screen or piece of paper. Just open your Golden Folder memory jogger tool, look at the listings, and get ready for a flood of personal story ideas to start spilling out all over your screen. These topics are designed to get you the attention, interest and the admiration you deserve from your readers. They are all highly relatable and exciting. Now you’ll own my secret tool to transform into a story email writing machine.

So what’s a product like this worth?

It’s a hard question to answer, and all depends on you.

I have seen other so-called marketing experts sell masterminds groups for $20 -$40 thousand dollars for a weekend.

There are other marketers selling products for $10,000 for just one success promotion.

They print out an 8 1/2 X 11 booklet and provide you all the emails and tell you how it made them millions of dollars.

What they won’t tell you about is the massive lists all of their affiliate partners were mailing at the same time.

They won’t tell you about the double-digit returns.

Understand all but three or four of my promotions were promotions sent to my list only.

So I did not have to pay out 50% of my sales. I keep all of the money.

I don’t pay out commissions to affiliate networks.

I don’t even have an affiliate program.

Something else to consider is my email list is not extensive.

And I have been marketing to virtually the same file for over a decade.

Yes, some come, and some go, but mostly I still have a lot of the same subscribers.

Considering you’re getting 130 of my personal promotions – all with emails and sales-results statistics from the last decade – I would say this offer is a lot different than any you have seen before or will see in the future.

Also, understand I am taking a huge risk by offering my financials.

It’s my private business how much I make, and I don’t have to share it with you or anyone.

I think you deserve to know how this all plays out for Senoff.

And it may NOT be what you think.

I want to share, warts and all, a real-world idea of results-driven email copy and promotion.

You won’t get any closer than this.

There are better marketers out there than Michael Senoff.

There are better email copywriters in the field than Michael Senoff.

And there are a lot more marketers who make way more money than Michael Senoff.

But I don’t feel there are too many marketers who have promoted as hard, relentlessly, consistently, and has tested as much as I have.

And there is no one out there with the guts to show you the results of over a decade of marketing results down to the dollar.

If you can find one, please let me know.

Who is The Golden Folder System For?

You have an expertise, a product, or a service that you would like to sell online.
You want a simple and proven system for selling
You want more leads, traffic, and more qualified, buying customers.
You love your business and are ready to take it to the next level
You want to use email as a marketing tool but need a system that’s low-tech so you can set it up, keep it up, and do it yourself
You have a limited amount of money, time and need a template that will work for you while you’re out working your business or regular job.
You have tried selling online before but are having a hard time making it work and converting traffic and buyers.
You’re frustrated trying to figure it all out on your own and you need someone to take you by the hand and show you the way to success.
You are not a strong writer and need a pre-written template and sales messages that are organized and all in one place.
The Golden Folder System is for YOU if you want a shortcut when it comes to your marketing and promotional efforts with email and even direct mail.
It’s for copywriters and info product publishers who want to own and use a collection of proven promotions they can modify and use without having to recreate the wheel.
If you have always wanted to know how I make a living selling information products ranging in price from $20 to $5970 using email marketing and a proven selling template, now is your chance to learn my methods.

You’ll also get details to you on how to download your Golden Folder right away.

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One payment of $1297 is all you pay. Nothing more to buy and no monthly fees.

Links To Your Golden Folder System Will Be Sent To Your Email Instantly After Your Payment Is Placed

Your Golden Folder downloads will be sent after your payment is made three ways.

1) You will be sent and automatic email after I receive your payment.

2) You will be redirected by PayPal after you complete your order just made sure you click on the “back to merchant blue button after payment”.

3) Just to make sure, I will also email you the links to the PayPal email address you used when you place your order as an additional back up.

Either way, you’ll have your Golden Folder training in your hands seconds from the time your payment is received.

What are you waiting for?

If you still have questions, text or call Michael on his personal cell phone 858-692-9461.


Michael Senoff.

For a one payment of $1297 and you’ll own . . .

THE GOLDEN FOLDER 128 Marketing Promotions Over The Last Decade Of Marketing
Masterful List Of Promotional Folders
The Nuts & Bolts of What’s Inside Santa’s Box Number One
Golden Folder Campaign Summary Key
721 Incredible Emails From 128 Promotions
Serious Sales Summary Excel File Key
A Laboratory Library of 41 Sales Letters – 35-Point Audio Of The Template
500 Best Interview Questions.
1905 Subject Email Headlines
339 Fabulous First Line Attention Getters
198 Terrific Transitional Statements.
115 Positively The Best Post Scrip Messages.
91 Captivating Call To Action Swipe
483 Intergalactic Interview Email Swipe File.
485 Super Story Emails Swipe
228 Monopoly Money Emails
73 Romantic Request Emails
32 Radical Relationship Glue Swipe Emails
22 Jolly Joint Venture Fishing Emails
21 Fabulous Free Stuff Email Attention Getters
11 Amazing Announcement Emails
141 Story Idea Generator
You’ll own the full training after your payment is made.

My Golden Folder System is for you if . . .

You have an expertise, a product, or a service that you would like to sell online.
You want a simple and proven system for selling
You want more leads, traffic, and more qualified, buying customers.
You love your business and are ready to take it to the next level
You want to use email as a marketing tool but need a system that’s low-tech so you can set it up, keep it up, and do it yourself
You have a limited amount of money, time and need a template that will work for you while you’re out working your business or regular job.
You have tried selling online before but are having a hard time making it work and converting traffic and buyers.
You’re frustrated trying to figure it all out on your own and you need someone to take you by the hand and show you the way to success.
You are not a strong writer and need a pre-written template and sales messages that are organized and all in one place.
The Golden Folder System is for YOU if you want a shortcut when it comes to your marketing and promotional efforts with email and even direct mail.
It’s for copywriters and info product publishers who want to own and use a collection of proven promotions they can modify and use without having to recreate the wheel.
If you have always wanted to know how I make a living selling information products ranging in price from $20 to $5970 using email marketing and a proven selling template, now is your chance to learn my methods.

If you still have questions, text or call Michael on his personal cell phone 858-692-9461.


Michael Senoff.

You’re may be reading this because you have an interest in my Golden Folder Product and you may be trying to figure out if I am for real or will my expertise short cut your efforts.

I’ve been making money from conducting, publishing and marketing my information products the same way as I a decade ago.

So why should you listen and invest in my Golden Folder?

I’ve created over 200 information products over the past 20 years including one that sells for $5,970.00 all the way down to $20 each.

I’ve sold my audio information products to thousands upon thousands of customers in virtually every part of the world.

I’ll be the first to tell you I’ve made every stupid mistake in the business. And I’m a complete dunce at a lot of things.

But, the one thing I DO know inside and out, upside and down and backwards and forwards is how to create, publish, market and sell audio information products for big and fast money.

Let me be clear!

If I could start over and turn back time, the one thing I wish I had was a coach and mentor.

One who could tell me and show me exactly what to do, what not to do and how to do it.

This would have saved me hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars in outsourcing, editing and writing fees.

I wish I had me from the start.

I learned the hard way by mistaking my way to success. But you don’t have to.

There is NO business on planet earth that has more upside advantages with such low risk other than publishing and selling audio information products on line.

I started in the business two decades ago and I did it without being an expert on any subject and without spending a lot of time or money.

Do you want to know how I make a full time living year after year recoding, publishing and cashing in on the information products I sell?

Well, here’s your chance to find out.


Who is Michael Senoff? Quite simply, “Professor” Senoff is a genius! He’s highly successful entrepreneur who has made his living by interviewing some of the smartest people on the planet. He has used these interviews to create a publishing and marketing system that both provides unique value to his students and on demand income for him and his family.

Michael is one of the best interviewers in the world. Michael is also the expert on how to record, edit, and publish information material.

Michael uses the power of story to make his information easy to to remember. It’s entertaining and students can access it at home or on the road with their mobile devices.

Michael’s style of interviews are designed to be superior to any lecture out there. They are easy to hear and understand. They are more informative and natural. And the information is more dynamic and dense.

You are going to love learning how Michael Senoff uses his interviews to talk him self rich. It’s all here in his Golden Folder System.