If you’re not making $100,000 a year as a freelance copywriter, now’s the time to ask: What’s stopping you?
You’ve raised your rates… and dropped ’em. You’ve niched down… and switched niches… and stopped niching entirely. You’ve specialized only to generalize the second a new opportunity comes along. Nothing you do – no playbook you buy – seems to get you any closer to the $100K year so many other freelancers are enjoying.
So what’s actually going on??
The mechanics of earning $100,000 in 2023 are simple…
It takes 10 projects at $10K each.
Or 20 projects at $5K each.
Or invoicing $5K in Jan and then growing by just 10% each month.
Those growth strategies would all get you to $100K or more a year. And you’d be able to do those things with good time management, good clients and slightly higher rates than you’ve been charging.
None of this is revolutionary. It’s probably not news to you.
The mechanics are simple.
So it’s not just about the mechanics, is it?
The work you *actually* do as a freelance copywriter extends well beyond the hands-on-keyboard work of writing landing pages and emails for your clients.
But when’s the last time you sat down and worked on YOUR BUSINESS?
That’s the thing that’s keeping you from your $100,000 year.
Because you can’t just think “I want ten clients who pay me $10,000 each” and will them into existence. You can’t just say “My growth goals are a minor 10% each month” and have Rufus, Greek Ruler of the Client Metaverse, reply with “Oh is that all – here you go.”
You have to develop strategies AND execute on them AND optimize them AND repeat. As a one-person shop. Surrounded by friends and family members who mean well but don’t “get” what you do.
👉 You’ve got to manage your time because you’re effectively selling units of it… but you don’t know what to prioritize on your calendar…
👉 You’ve got to hush up the nagging voice in your head that tells you every new lead is going to be as ill-informed and cheap as your last client was so you’d better not expect more…
👉 You’ve got to work on days you don’t want to work…
👉 You’ve got to set up unsexy but profitable systems to turn leads into Zoom calls and Zoom calls into clients… but God help you if you know what those systems should look like…
And that’s just scratching the surface of what you have to do. Alone.
NONE of these things have ANYTHING to do with the mechanics of “Make $100K with 10 projects at $10K a pop.”
Before you can give yourself a New Year’s Goal of 10 projects at $10K a pop, you first need to firmly establish 2 things…
It’s not set up right. It’s set up like you’re not serious about it, like you’d shut it down in a heartbeat if only X came true, where X = winning the lottery. The dream of an instant windfall should not get in the way of the reality of a distant windfall. Which is exactly what a well-built freelancing business is. A windfall in the making…
You are 100% going it alone right now, accompanied only by:
👉 Your unreliable mindset
👉 More keurig cups than your recycle bin lets on
👉 Facebook groups filled with newbies who *wish* they had your problems yet never fail to provide you with their wild, unfounded guesses at solutions
That means every bump in the road and wall you come up against is yours to figure out all on your own. We’re talking challenges like:

And like:

And like:

These are everyday common problems for freelancers. They’re not the exception.
Yes, there’s a playbook to establish your freelance copywriting business. It’s included in our program called The 10x Freelance Copywriter, which I’ll tell you about soon…
But that 10xFC playbook is just a small FRACTION of what your freelance copywriting business needs. What you actually need is to put an end to the lonely slog of trying to tackle every new shocker your leads and clients send your way. And you can put an end to those things with:
- A really good coach (or two), and
- A really good community.
Meet your new freelance copywriting coach: Joanna Wiebe.
I have a seven-figure copywriting business. And an agency that turned in seven-figures before its first birthday party. And a network that makes me pinch myself to be sure this isn’t a dream – I’m not still stuck in a cube-farm, battling to get my ideas heard.
You do not have to be special to build a kick-ass business as a copywriter.
You don’t need a sugar momma or daddy.
You don’t need heaps of luck.
You don’t need to be a genius.
So what DO you need?
Prepare yourself. ‘Cos this is about to get super-unsexy.
The #1 trait the top freelance copywriters share: they keep showing up.
With full love to the copywriter community, there are a TON of freelance copywriters looking for quick wins.
They give up when the “wins” fail.
And that’s good for me. See, their laziness has been my advantage. It is also your advantage. If you’ve got a half-decent work ethic, some stubbornness and a little imagination – plus the support of a great coach and a killer community – you can leap well over your competition and make a name for yourself.
And THAT is how you start making real money.
Your primary coach and the creator of Copytakers: